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Right Education is a fully mandated and authorized company serving Eastern European Universities Association (EEUA), Russia. The company has a team of experienced and qualified student advisors who provide guidance and counselling to students on various aspects of studying in Russia. 

Whether the student is choosing to study in Russia due to the higher quality of education or the fact that the local system was unable to cater to their desire to get professional education in Pakistan, Right Education guide the students in the process of choosing the programs which meet their aspirations. 

Each student’s individual circumstances and aspirations are matched with suitable universities and programs. The consideration taken into account include degree recognition and financial considerations. Right Education offers the most economical solutions with an aim of keeping the cost well below the private colleges and universities in Pakistan.

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Vision Mission

Right Education will be the most trusted and respected name in the education consulting industry. We will provide our clients with the highest quality services and products that will help them reach their educational goals. Our company will be known for its integrity, professionalism, and commitment to excellence.

To empower our clients to make the best decisions for their future by providing them with the information and resources they need to make informed choices about their education.
Kirov State Medical University Belgorod State Technological University UFA State Petroleum University Kuban State Agrarian University

Kirov State Medical University 
has modern campus facilities, including well-equipped lecture halls, computer classrooms, the science library with a book stock of more than 200,000 items, an educational media library, and an electronic database.

Manipulative skills center helps students sharpen their skills in doing injections, CPR, and many other procedures. The University has its own clinic, which includes 100 beds, a diagnostic center, and a therapeutic and neurological station.

The clinic and the polyclinic are supplied with modern equipment. Patients’ rooms, laboratories, and procedure rooms are renovated according to current standards.

KSMU is an international institution teaching students from different regions to study here: Sudan, Vietnam, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Ghana, DR Congo, Uganda, Nigeria, Mali, and Tunisia. The students from many former Soviet Union republics (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan) also choose KSMU as a degree provider.


For more details please visit Kirov State Medical University

BSTU named after V. G. Shoukhov is largest specializing Russian High Educational Establishment in industry of building material and construction area which are very importance in world educational and research place. On the territory of 35 hectares there is modern University campus well-supplied with study and laboratory buildings, pilot batch base, scientific-and-engineering library, sport complex, cultural centre, hostels, domestic building for teachers, cafeteria.

More then 55 years history the state of University is significantly raised, but basic work direction is not changes: preparing of qualified scientist and engineer in construction industry.

We are taking a legitimate pride in our graduating students: now most of them is senior stuff and directors of largest building industry facilities. Their products is in very demand.

The long way from Russia are well-known scientific schools and scientists of our university, innovation technique in building industry and construction are successfully applied at the Russian leading construction factories.

And mainly, the university doesn’t stand still, develops all the time, extended specialization list and effected development of Belgorod’s and National economic at all.

BSTU named after V. G. Shoukhov has prospective future. Its last services certificates about it

For more details please visit Belgorod State Technical University

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University is a technical university in the city of Ufa.

In October 1941, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas was evacuated from Moscow to Ufa. However, in November 1943 the Gubkin University was returned to Moscow. On 4 October 1948, the Ufa Petroleum Institute emerged on the basis of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. On 22 November 1993, Ufa Petroleum Institute was renamed to Ufa State Petroleum Technological University.

Institute of Economics and Service (According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1502 dated December 21, 2015, the Ufa State University of Economics and Service became part of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University).

The Institute of Economics and Service is a modern institution that provides multi-level training in the areas of economics, design, food industry, light industry, ecology and tourism. In the educational process, innovative teaching technologies and achievements of science are actively used. Students do internships at leading enterprises, have the opportunity to participate in research projects, in international, Russian and regional scientific conferences, symposiums and seminars.

For more details please visit Ufa State Petroleum Technological University

With more than 16,000 students from 47 countries of the world, 17 faculties, 81 departments, 2,500 staff members, and a modern educational complex with well-developed infrastructure Kuban State Agrarian University (Kuban SAU) is Russia’s largest and most prominent agrarian university. Kuban SAU occupies 174 hectares that includes huge botanical garden. The University campus consists of 22 academic and laboratory buildings, 21 dormitories for 8,500 students, modern sports complex with a swimming pool, tennis courts and an UEFA stadium, as well as medical and veterinary clinics. International students are welcome to study Russian at the KubSAU Preparatory Faculty language courses. The University has 2 research institutes, conducting various research activities, an artificial climate center, 2 profit generating training agro-enterprises, a testing station, a library with more than a million publications and five museums. 

For more details please visit Kuban State Agrarian University

We work with a passion of taking challenges and creating new ones in various sector.

Official Info
Open Hours:

Mon – Sat: 9 am – 6 pm,
Sunday: CLOSED


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