Welcome to Do It Right Pakistan!
21 Golf Avenue, Canal Bank, Lahore

A new way to see the world.

Autism Done Right is a non-profit organization that provides resources, support, and advocacy for individuals with Autism and their families. We believe that every individual with Autism has the right to reach their full potential. Our mission is to empower individuals with Autism and their families with the knowledge and tools they need to lead fulfilling and successful lives.

Autism Done Right was founded in 2020 by a group professionals committed to making a difference in the lives of individuals with Autism and their families.

Autism Done Right provides various resources and support services for individuals with Autism and their families. We offer information and resources on various topics, including diagnosis and treatment, education and employment, housing and transportation, and more. We also offer support groups for parents and caregivers and individual and family counselling services.

In addition to our direct services, Autism Done Right also advocates for the rights of individuals with Autism and their families. We work to raise awareness about the needs of individuals with Autism and to promote policies and practices that support the full inclusion of individuals with Autism in all aspects of society.

Autism Done Right is the best place for your child with autism. We provide a wide range of services to meet your child’s needs. We have a team of experts who are passionate about helping children with autism reach their full potential. We offer a variety of therapies and programs that are tailored to each child’s individual needs. We also offer a wide range of support services for families. We are here to support you and your family every step of the way.

Our team is passionate about providing the best possible care for each individual client.
Our team is knowledgeable about the latest autism therapies and research.
Our team is experienced in working with individuals with autism and their families.
We offer a unique approach to autism treatment tailored to the individual child.
We provide a safe and supportive environment for autistic children to thrive.
Our approach is based on the latest research and evidence-based practices.
Autism Done Right offers a unique and comprehensive approach to Autism that is tailored to the individual’s needs.
Autism Done Right is committed to helping individuals with Autism and their families navigate the challenges of Autism.
Autism Done Right's approach is based on the latest research and evidence-based practices.
Vision Mission

We are committed to promoting inclusion and acceptance of people with autism, and to working towards a future where everyone can reach their full potential.

To provide support and advocacy for individuals with autism and their families. We aim to educate the public about autism and help to create inclusive communities. We also work to promote research that will improve the lives of those with autism.



View our brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)